
Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) has had the vision of empowering participants to become active participants in the Gospel commission since its inception in 1947. ASI was developed out of the Madison College project, established by Doctor E. A. Sutherland and Percy Magan under the direction of Ellen G. White. Mrs. White felt very strongly that Madison College was fulfilling a specific need within the church. She spoke repeatedly about the role the college was playing in establishing a self-supporting work that would complement the organized institutions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

There is a large field open before the self-supporting gospel worker. Many may gain valuable experience while toiling a portion of the time at some form of manual labor…” (Welfare Ministry, p. 64).

Through God’s leading, the self-supporting school soon grew and began to plant satellite schools and institutions throughout the country. One of the blessings resulting was a yearly meeting that brought all the entities together. Arthur W. Spalding wrote in his book, Origin and History of Seventh-day Adventists, “Once a year for forty years, the schools, sanitariums, rest homes and other enterprises of the rural missions joined in a self-supporting worker’s convention held at Madison College” (p. 183). This laid the foundation for what is now the annual ASI International Convention. God has grown the membership of ASI to nearly 1,000, including men and women from businesses, professions, and supporting ministries, all working together to spread the everlasting Gospel to their communities and around the world.